• Why isn't my air conditioning working as well as it used to?

A: Your air conditioning system is designed to leak the gases which keep it cool and this can not be stopped. Your air conditioning needs regular servicing to keep it working efficiently to keep you cool. We will remove the old gas in your system, and replace it with the correct refrigerant gases to have it working as it should. This process takes around 1 hour on an average car.

  • My air conditioning has stopped working, does this mean my compressor has a fault?

A: Not necessarily, when the amount of gas in your air conditioning system is at a low level your compressor will cut off, resulting in your air conditioning not working. This is a safety feature which prevents costly damage. The usual solution is to remove what is left of the gases and recharge with new gases this will bring the level of gas to the correct level allowing your compressor to function safely.

  • Why should I use your service when there are DIY kits available on the high street?

A: If you check under the bonnet you should see a sticker identifying the gas and it will be identified by a weight, the manufacturer has specified a weight of gas for your vehicle. Only by excavating the system of all gases can you recharge with the correct weight, if you look at the DIY solutions you will find they are all pressure based. This is the equivalent of adding more gases to your old gases which may prove cooler for a short period of time, but is likely to cause damage to the system and decrease the system in efficiency after some time. Also we are fully trained, experienced and fully mobile.

  • I only use my air conditioning in the hot weather, I've heard that it should be used all year, is this correct?

A: Air conditioning not only take heats out of the air (this is the cooling effects that you will feel), but also dehumidifies the air. This will reduce the moisture in the air which gives the benefit of de-misting the windows. Air conditioning should be used all year round, or at least a few times a month (refer to you car's handbook). This reduces the level of gas lost due to dried out seals, and reduces the risk of the system seizing up.

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